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Censorship Only Exists on Someone Else's Platform
If we don't create our own spaces, we can't be upset at censorship.

Dejyah YisraÈL
Nov 16, 2023
Censorship Only Exists on Someone Else's Platform
If we don't create our own spaces, we can't be upset at censorship.

Dejyah YisraÈL
Sep 21, 2023
Can Reparations Restore What Was Lost?
Are you waiting on reparations to get active in your nation or are you ready to participate in your own restoration?

Dejyah YisraÈL
Sep 18, 2023
Advocacy vs. Activism: Change won't Happen until You do
Our community has seen too much advocacy and not enough activism. Are you ready to be the change you want to see?

Dejyah YisraÈL
Jul 25, 2023
African Hebrew Israelite: Oxymoronic or Redundant?
Does history corroborate African / Black Hebrew Israelites claims?
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