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Are You in Contract with the Devil?

Writer's picture: Yawitazah YisraelYawitazah Yisrael

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

If you are in a contract with someone, it's because you and another party has agreed to a mutual exchange.

Question: If the devil were to offer you access to the things of his world in exchange for your your willingness to submit to his will and your children, would you agree to it? Would you sign a contract with the devil?

Many will declare that they would never willingly enter into a contract with the devil. Unfortunately, they may be unaware that contracts bearing their names have already been established at birth and persist until death.

This truth has remained concealed right in front of us, intricately woven into the very fabric of our daily existence.

So, What has the devil agreed to give to you, and what have you agreed to give the devil?

Many people fail to realize who the devil is, but Isaiah 14 reaveals the devil hidden in plain sight.

The devil's deception starts with his disguise and his attempts to divert your attention from recognizing him. One historical method the devil has used is by disseminating misinformation to lead the public away from the truth about his identity.

Who is the devil, who is Lucifer?

Have you ever heard of the name of the devil being Lucifer? Often people reference Isaiah 14:12 that reads:

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Bible teachers have often regurgitated and repeated that Lucifer is, in fact, the devil, presenting this information with limited examination of the entire text within its context. They identify the figure the scripture references, but their failure to read the entire chapter also conceals the true identity of the devil.

Firstly, "Lucifer" is not a name but an adjective that means "light bearer." In Isaiah 14, this term is used sarcastically by Yisrael, highlighting an evident contradiction. The devil is not a bringer of light but of darkness.

Further examination of Isaiah 14 reveals in context the whole matter. The chapter is speaking about the children of Yisrael being set back in their own land and strangers cleaving to them. What is being talked about has not happened yet. It is a prophesy to come.

With more extensive reading, it becomes clear that the passage is referring to the nations, kingdoms, and their rulers who have caused destruction to the planet and enslaved the children of Yisrael.

The above prophesy reveals that those that have oppressed Yisrael shall be oppressed. Are we not currently being oppressed by the rulers of the nations and their people?

We can see that Yah will give us rest from our sorrow, fear, and hard bondage. Bondage controlled by who? The rulers of the nations.

The text shows that the following verses will be a proverb spoken by Yisrael to the rulers of this world.

In this context, Yisrael is also alluding to the past rulers of the world's nations, using them as a means to further taunt the rulers they are addressing. Yisrael emphasizes the impending judgment from Yah that awaits the world's rulers for their cruelty towards the children of Yisrael and their disregard for the well-being of the planet.

Yisrael goes on to say;

As we can see in the verses above Yisrael continues to speak of the judgement that awaits the rulers, to the men that looked at themselves as God being brought down to the ground and sentence to death.

Yisrael continues;

As we can see, without a doubt, the devil here is the rulers of the nations.

Today, those very rulers persist under altered names and new host, yet their intentions remain unchanged. They aim to wield global dominion, assuming godlike authority and pursuing their own desires. Doing as thou wilt. Their agenda continues to exploit the descendants of Yisrael and deplete the Earth of its valuable resources.

The rulers of various nations conspired to enslave the children of Yisrael, binding them in chains and shackles to be sold as commodities. Yisrael has endured this captivity for more than four centuries. The lives of those caught in the Transatlantic Slave Trade were marred by bonds, and our ancestors suffered brutal subjugation at the hands of those nations' agents.

Over time, their perfect evil against the children of Yisrael shattered the nation of Yisrael's resilience, resolve, and reasoning. Today, the chains have been unshackled, and the once-inflicted beatings are mere echoes of the past. However, that dark history lingers in the collective memory, serving as an ever-present cautionary tale that keeps Yisrael in line and in a state of fear.

The need for physical chains has ceased, for they have successfully placed us precisely where they want us. We now mindlessly carry out their directives without question, often oblivious to the consequences when we enter agreements, contracts with them and conform to their governance in our daily lives.

This vicious evil plot by contract is placed on your lives before you even exit the womb.

Shockingly, the contract that was put on your life was between the nations and your parents on your behalf.

What was the exchange? Why would your parents agree to go into contract with the devil in your name? What was the tradeoff?

  • Birth certificate:

    • An agreement that is made that makes you a stock and property of the nation. In return, your parents want the child to be able to have the benefits of being within this nation.

    • Without the birth certificate, there are no benefits such as:

      • No Social Security Number

      • No social benefits such as healthcare, food assistance, or housing assistance

If you don't have a birth certificate or Social Security number, then you can't go to school, you can't get a job, and you won't have money to buy or sell. What was the tradeoff?

In this contract, the devil guarantees himself that he gets an unlimited supply of child sacrifice; and we are willing participants in it.

Leviticus 18:21 shows that as soon as you're born, your parents passed you through the fire and profaned the name of The Most High by acclimating with the beast. Most parents have done this. Molech is a Canaanite god that our people put their faith in. When we don't get what we think we need and want from YAH, we'll turn to gods that we've created for own enjoyment.

Deuteronomy 28:63-64 shows that because of our actions, YAH put us into a situation where now we're forced to serve other gods. But in times past, our people were willingly serving other gods although we were commanded not to in Exodus 20:3.

The Almighty Yah permitted our downfall through the very means we believed could rescue us and give us the desires of our hearts. The golden calf, crafted by our people after Yah delivered us from Egypt, parallels the golden Wall Street bull. Wall Street revolves around the stock market, which governs the currency with the motto "In God We Trust." The value of these fiat notes, "Death Notes", is supported by the blood of our ancestors and the sacrifices of our children. Why does fiat currency possess its value? It's because it's founded on the stock that contributed its value - our children.

Our parents signed a contract with the devil so we could have access to what comes from Wall Street.

We are the original stock and bonds sold on the stock exchange. In fact, the enslaved people built the wall after which Wall Street is named.

Business was booming then as it is now. Just as they meticulously count every digit and every penny our ancestors were also counted as a profit. The ledgers nationally used in the United States was the birth certificate. Birth certificates have always been a weapon for white supremacists.

Now, when they create your birth certificate, it comes with a value. This value is managed by the Federal Reserve Bank which is a privately owned corporation. Due to the unpaid debts of slavery and the fact that our ancestors built this nation with their very own hands, many of the descendants of the Transatlantic Slave trade feel entitled to access the benefits and conveniences of this world. This is exactly what the devil is banking on, knowing the fact that we want access to the things of his world. And in return, he wants your soul.

The whole world is dead asleep to this situation. They're in such a trance that they don't even have a sensible reaction to this information. Every contract you have signed puts you further into the control of the devil. The same thing we thought would save us, The Most High has used to oppress us.

How can we release ourselves from the beast system, how can we reconnect with YAH, and how can we become perfect again?

Stop passing our children through the fire

Ezekiel 16:1-21 shows that before YAH chose us, we were nothing. Everyone was able to see the beauty that we had. When YAH went into marriage with us, we became His. Our perfection went to our head and we trusted in own beauty (will and power).

  • And how do we play the harlot with other nations?

    1. Going into contract with them

    2. Putting yourself under the other nations' rule

    3. Taking the things YAH gave us and creating gods out of them

    4. Sacrificing our sons and daughters to other gods and nations

Trusting YAH

Micah 6:1-5 shows that there's no reason for us to be going into contract with these nations

YAH protected us when devils tried to curse us

Let's prove that YAH will provide us with everything we need by taking our resources and building with what we have. It's going to take everything we've got to ensure we don't keep passing our children through the fire.

We couldn't control what our parents did. We were born into this situation. But we're adults now. All of us that are living apart of this society have been trained to raise our kids to be the best they can be. You're trying to make sure that your child is set, but set for who? Perfect for who? Right for who? Smart enough for who? Strong enough for who?

You're sending your kids to school so they can get straight A's so one day they can get a scholarship to go to college and they do great. Then one day they can get a great job. You literally have raised your kids to be the absolute best slave to this system so that they can be accepted by the beast. When are we going to raise our kids to have all these talents, gifts, and strengths to focus on building our own nation?

Our ancestors knew that if they were going to raise a child to be the best they can be, it meant raising them to advance the nation. Our marriages and unions matter to YAH. What we do to our kids and how we raise them and what we turn them over matters to YAH. In this system, if you don't have your birth certificate or Social Security number, you can't work. Which means you won't have resources to buy or sell. Which means you won't have what you. need to be able to buy your freedom.

The only thing stopping us from building our own communities is us.

If you don't want to be a part of the beast system and want to get out of it, you must invest in your true future. If we had our own stuff, we wouldn't have any reason to go into contract with these nations. The days of playing religion are over.

Watch the full discussion:

For more resources:

Watch The Collapse of the American Dream Explained in Animation

Elders Yawitazah & Dejyah Yisrael contributed this article.

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