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What is the True Name of God?

Writer's picture: Yawitazah YisraelYawitazah Yisrael

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

The name of God is bigger than your pronunciation.

The Most High's name describes His character, reputation, and authority.

But what is the definition of "name"? A name denotes a character of someone.

A name denotes a character of someone. When we look in Exodus 3, we have to ask, "Was it an angel or was it God that was speaking here?"

What's being shown is the dimensions of YAH in the way that He works. No man has ever heard the voice of YAH, so He needed to use a tool to communicate with Moses.

In Exodus 3:6, YAH is saying straight out who He is. And it's revealed that YAH's name is tied to what He has done.

In Exodus 3:14, YAH tells Moses, "I am that I am." Does "I am that I am" sound like a name? This is a statement.

The Most High is telling us who He is. There is no name to give to us.

Why does The Almighty need a name? Is there someone that He's being compared to? Moses asking YAH His name shows how the Israelites have been in Egypt for so long, that they assimilated to Egypt's culture. Similar to today, people are using names for gods that they are coming up with themselves.

Romans 10:13 uses Strong's Concordance #3686 for "name," which means character, fame, or reputation. YAH had already shown in Exodus 3 that He was going off of his reputation and fame. This person with this specific reputation is sending you. Who else has the reputation and fame of creating all things? Who has the reputation of delivering Israel out of Egypt?

At this point, we see how "character," "reputation," and "name" are interchangeable. 2 Chronicles 7:14 gives directions on what must be done to be heard and delivered by the Father. If you truly have the character (name) of The Almighty, wouldn't you be turning your face from wickedness?

We will not receive healing or be heard until we express the characteristics of The Most High. Sowing discord and division is the opposite of who The Most High is. Exodus 34:5-7 shows that if we're really going to be called by the name of The Almighty, shouldn't we be carrying these characteristics?

YAH is giving the definition of His name. What name is that that is filled with evil, malice, hatred, and division? The adversary, or the devil.

Who else has this reputation that The Most High is defining? As creations, our names were given to us by our parents. It had nothing to do with our characteristics or reputation at the time because we didn't have any reputation to go off of. But that's not the way our ancestors named each other. Our forefathers' names and reputations are attached to us. Isaiah 45:4 shows that The Most High named us. We were named Israel.

"Israel" means "God contended, wrestled with God." But what does this mean? Jacob fought to get the blessing he received. Don't we really have to fight to get our blessing? We're fighting with everything we have so we can get everlasting life. The walk we're on is showing our character and resilience and reputation to fight against the woes and the devil every day. This characteristic goes all the way back to Jacob who fought for his inheritance. If you're not fighting for your inheritance, then what're you doing? Once your reputation is tarnished, it can destroy your name. Is your name in YAH's will?

If your character goes against The Almighty, it doesn't matter how you pronounce His name.

We think that as The Almighty's children, we can just be out here doing whatever we want to do. Think of all that you've done that people have witnessed and what you've done in secret. Look at what you've done to YAH's name. It wasn't our Father who did anything wrong. It was us. Back to back, repeatedly, sinning against Him everywhere we go.

Ezekiel 36:1-24 shows that we were known as the infamy of the people. What is infamy? The state of being well known for some bad quality or deed. We're so eager to step right up and get our blessings and crown, but we haven't heard YAH's side of the story of why He has an issue with us.

We are being reminded of the mercy spoken of in Exodus 34. Israel was supposed to be the holy land, and it was worse than Sodom & Gomorrah. Not only did we put shame on ourselves, but also on our land and YAH. YAH is upset about what we've done to His name, character, and reputation. If you want to say YAH's name correctly, stand for His character and reputation. It's going to be amazing to see when the children of Yisrael are cleaned up.

Isaiah 1:1-9 reveals how we show by our actions that we don't know who we're tied to. We had defiled "Israel" so much that people associated us with Sodom & Gomorrah.

How do you take The Most High's name in vain?

Exodus 20:7 shows that we take YAH's name in vain when we fail to uphold His characteristics. This is what is being shown in Isaiah 29:13 and Mark 7:6-7.

Revelations 22:4 shows that The Most High's characteristics and reputation will be written on us.

If we're not taking on the characteristics of The Almighty, we're not being His reflection. And if we're not reflecting His light, what type of light do we truly have?

Watch the full recording from this Bible study here.

Passcode: c$J9t#yr

Yawitazah & Dejyah Yisrael contributed this article.

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Dejyah YisraÈL
Dejyah YisraÈL
Jul 08, 2023



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Jul 03, 2023


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